Our Story

Lance and Brianne met in spring of 2011. They shared the same dream of homesteading and raising a family close to nature. They didn’t like the disconnect that society has with their food now days and wanted to know exactly what was going in their bodies. Being the big animal lovers that they are, knowing that any animal they consumed was treated humanely and allowed to live and eat the way God and nature intended was a huge deal to them. During the next several years they studied the negative impact that conventional farming has had on the environment over the last century. Looking for more sustainable ways, they learning of regenerative agriculture and permaculture and how utilizing these practices can dramatically shift the paradigm. This inspired them and they knew that was the way they wanted to farm.  

Shortly after they married in 2015 Lance and Bri purchased their rundown, abused and badly eroded farm in Decatur County, Kansas. Together they started working to rebuild and heal their newly purchased land beneath their feet. Ignoring the conventional farming ways and armed with hoof power, they used portable electric fencing to move their Irish Dexter cattle daily. In doing so their soil sees bigger and better returns each year. They built portable infrastructure to allow them to produce all their animals on perennial pasture land, enabling them to work with nature instead of against it. To learn more about regenerative ag and the benefits of rotational grazing for the environment, animal health and sustainability click here.  

In November of 2016, they welcomed the birth of their son, Waylon. Waylon has been very much involved in all the day to day activities on the homestead/farm. He enjoys helping care for all the animals but he is especially fond of the goats and any new babies.